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Dorantes and Taksim Trio: a bridge conecting Lebrija with Istambul


I wish this words could last long enough on the Internet, so if any politician searched on Google the words “Dorantes Scultura” in a few years, this little article would appear on the screen. It is not too long, but will tell clear ideas.

Better do not make a sculpture to Dorantes. He will wrinkle himself on the metal, as a good shy man. To Dorantes, better a bridge. Simple, without hiring any famous architect. But it has to connect realities.

We interviewed him in Planeta Jondo. Our colleague, Gómez Gufi, got from him that in her grandmother's house (La Perrata) they lived in harmony with a piano, a tree of “cantes” and records from the Rolling Stones. Then, David confessed that his first contact with the piano was blindly, but after that he realized that the instrument needed classic training. First bridge: today he is considered the connector between the score and the oral transmission.

The success arrived with Orobroy in 1998, an album who put him in the map and whose main theme has rightly turned into a gypsy hymn. After that, three new albums appeared, where David proved that is possible talking without screaming. In the last one, Paseo a Dos, he was placed as a musician in a state of grace. We saw him last year in Babel Med, Marsella, and we were screaming from the grandstands “Olé, olé, olé”, in front of a french crowd, dancing por alegrías without really knowing it.

Now, we hear about a gypsy and mediterranean project, which smells like a spiced stew. The 15th of June, Thursday, a very flamenco and gypsy formation of virtuous musicians will be presented at Los Teatros del Canal, with the Taksim Trio. There is a payo among them, Javi Ruibal, a well-known percussionist with a huge knowledge. We have watched some videos recorded in the last Bienal de Flamenco in Seville and you can perfectly imagine David's uncle, El Lebrijano, singing. Exaltation and hair-raising.

gladyspalmera.com    Teresa Navajas    25/05/2017